Kelsi Davies: Haunt Escape - Support
I have a bug or want to send other feedback
Describe the bug in a review on the App Store, tell me on X, or fill out a bug report on the feedback page.
I’m stuck and I don’t know what to do
Here’s a full play through of the Moonlight Tunnel:
My Game Progress was lost
If for some unknown reason your save file was deleted, you can use a password to skip to a checkpoint, so you don’t have to start from the beginning.
Follow these steps:
Step 1
Go to the Credits.
Step 2
Scroll to the bottom and click on the logo.
Step 3
Decide which password to use from the list below. Tap on the white box, and enter the password. Be sure to use all lower case letters. Then press confirm.
Here is a list of passwords, and a description of where this will skip you to in the game progress:
emf - Just purchased the EMF Meter.
spiritbox - Just purchased the Spirit Box.
timtalk - Just spoke to Tim.
timdone - Just gave Tim the glasses.
jaketalk - Just spoke to Jake, after helping Tim.
jakedone - Just gave Jake the toy car, after helping Tim.
russdone - Just gave Russ the tennis racket, after helping Tim and Jake.
fantabulous - Just defeated the two clowns.
mariedone - Just gave Marie the Bible.
flashlight - Just purchased the flashlight, right before the gas attack.
gasdone - Just survived the gas attack.
lola - Found Lola and completed the Moonlight Tunnel.