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A character for your Unity Game.
Glorious Ladybug
The Color Changer Script is used to randomize colors of materials on GameObjects.
To use the colorChanger script, follow these steps:
Attach the script to a GameObject in your Unity scene that has a Renderer component.
In the Unity Inspector, you will see a number of fields that you can customize to suit your needs. These include:
Custom Colors: An array of colors that you can use to change the color of the object's material. You can add, remove, or modify these colors as needed.
Default Color: The color that the object will start with when the scene is loaded. You can select a color from the Custom Colors array by specifying its element number.
Material: The element number of the material in the Renderer's materials array that you want to change the color of.
Shader Property: The name of the property in the material's shader that controls the color. This is typically "_Color" or “_BaseColor".
Random Color: If this checkbox is checked, the object will start with a random color from the Custom Colors array. If it is not checked, the object will start with the color specified in the Default Color field.
Once you have set up the fields in the Inspector, you can use the following methods to change the color of the object's material:
setMatColor(int _customColorN): This method sets the material to a color from the Custom Colors array. You can specify the element number of the color you want to use.
setNewColor(Color _color): This method sets the material to a new specific color. You can pass a color value to the method.
randomizeColor(): This method sets the material to a random color from the Custom Colors array.
Once you have the script set up and attached to your object, you can call these methods from another script to change the color of the object at runtime.
Note that this script is checking for some conditions before applying the color, such as if the renderer has material and the material has color property, if these conditions are not met then the script will display an error and will not be enabled.
The Follow Position Script is used for making an object follow another object’s position and rotation. The ladybug follows a Player Controller or a NavMeshAgent.
To use the followPosition script, follow these steps:
Attach the script to the GameObject that you want to follow another GameObject.
In the Unity Inspector, you will see a number of fields that you can customize to suit your needs. These include:
Target Transform: The Transform component of the GameObject that you want to follow.
Following Position: A boolean that determines whether or not the GameObject should follow the position of the Target Transform.
Following Rotation: A boolean that determines whether or not the GameObject should follow the rotation of the Target Transform.
Move Speed: The speed at which the GameObject should move towards the Target Transform position.
Turn Speed: The speed at which the GameObject should rotate towards the Target Transform rotation.
Anim Velocity Multiplier: A float that controls the speed of the animation when the GameObject is moving.
Anim Velocity Max: A float that sets the maximum speed of the animation when the GameObject is moving.
Once you have set up the fields in the Inspector, the script will automatically update the position and rotation of the GameObject to match the Target Transform.
Note that the script checks if the Target Transform is attached before updating the position and rotation of the GameObject. If a Target Transform is not attached, the script will not update the position and rotation.
If the GameObject that the script is attached to has an Animator component with a velocity float, the script will also control the speed of the animation based on the movement of the GameObject. This feature can be disabled by setting the hasAnim variable to false in the Inspector.
Finally, note that the script checks for some conditions before updating the velocity parameter of the Animator, such as if the Animator has a velocity parameter that is a float. If these conditions are not met, the script will not update the velocity parameter.